What You Need to Know About Federal Student Loans
Facing overwhelming debt can be scary, making it no surprise that student loan debt is a primary source of stress for many people. Knowing your options will help alleviate that stress and help you regain control of your finances. In…
6 Questions to Ask Your Potential Divorce Lawyer
Divorces can, by nature, be uncomfortable, complicated and challenging. If you anticipate that your marriage might be heading for divorce, you will need reliable information on which to make decisions about your future. Following are six questions people in Northwest…
What Should I Do About My Unemployment Overage?
Unemployment benefits were a welcome relief for many Arkansans during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, it is possible to have an overage of unemployment compensation. If you applied and were approved for unemployment benefits, but collected too much, that’s an overage….
What’s the Best Use of Your Stimulus Check?
Is bankruptcy a wise investment of your stimulus check? It depends… The pandemic has caused high unemployment and underemployment. If you, like many Americans, have had to utilize credit cards or take on other debt, you likely use everything you…
The Fayetteville DWI Court Process
You, a family member, or a friend may have been arrested for driving while intoxicated (DWI/DUI). Now what? Now you face a criminal court process, as well as an administrative process. Without a lawyer, you will have to figure out…
How To Avoid Lengthy Jail Time in a DWI/DUI Case
Arkansas police officers, prosecutors, and judges take driving under the influence seriously. Often, a judge will want to punish you in the hopes you will not do it again. They want to teach you a lesson. But a fair punishment…
What You Need To Know About Bankruptcy During COVID-19
No one decides to file for bankruptcy quickly. In our experience, most people do a lot of reading up on the process. This is even more true during the COVID-19 pandemic. Nothing is normal right now, including legal proceedings. If…
The Law Group of Northwest Arkansas to Offer Free Estate Planning for Survivors of Domestic Violence and Domestic Violence Workers in October
***Update – The Law Group of Northwest Arkansas PLLC offered free wills and estate planning as a service for domestic abuse survivors, domestic violence workers, and teachers for a limited time during the COVID pandemic. As a continued support, we…
The Law Group of Northwest Arkansas Offers Free Estate Planning for Teachers in September
***Update – The Law Group of Northwest Arkansas PLLC offered free wills and estate planning as a service for domestic abuse survivors, domestic violence workers, and teachers for a limited time during the COVID pandemic. As a continued support, we…
The Law Group of Northwest Arkansas To Provide Frontline Healthcare Workers and First Responders Free Estate Planning Services
Fayetteville AR April 3, 2020 ***Update – The Law Group of Northwest Arkansas PLLC offered free wills and estate planning from April 2020 through April 2021 for frontline workers during the COVID pandemic. We now offer a discounted rate of…