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Hemp Lawyers & Hemp Businesses

Unlike many marijuana products, hemp is federally legal. In fact, hemp is widely used in many industries to create innovative and useful products, but it is still closely regulated because of the plant from which it is derived, making it very important for hemp business owners to work closely with an experienced hemp attorney who understands both state and federal laws.

The Law Group of Northwest Arkansas PLLC’s hemp lawyers have in-depth knowledge of cannabis and hemp laws throughout the United States, and we closely follow regulations to help our clients remain informed and compliant. Call us today at (479) 316-3760 to learn more about how we can help you.

Trusted Legal Advice

When you’re seeking legal advice from a hemp lawyer, it is critical to find someone who knows the laws and can ensure your business complies with all necessary regulations. We stay up to date with all Food & Drug Administration (FDA) and. U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) rules and regulations related to hemp use and production so that we can guide our clients. You can trust The Law Group of Northwest Arkansas PLLC to help you navigate doing business by developing and delivering targeted strategies to meet your hemp business needs.

Legal Services for Hemp Businesses

Our hemp business attorneys work with clients who are forming, operating, expanding, or closing businesses. We can help you regardless of what stage your business is in.

We offer a broad range of legal services to hemp businesses in Arkansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Oklahoma, Tennessee, and Virginia.

Hemp Business Services We Offer

Though hemp is legal across the United States, there are still many state-specific legal considerations for businesses in the industry. Some hemp business services we offer include:

  • Completing and filing applications
  • Regulations and licensing
  • Compliance issues
  • Product testing
  • Employee licensing
  • Litigation and related matters
  • Corporate acquisitions
  • Financing and marijuana banking issues
  • Employment relations
  • Workplace drug policies
  • Employee training
  • Real estate and zoning issues
  • Environmental issues
  • Administrative business operations
  • Regulatory matters, including appeals and hearings

Hemp entrepreneurs must consider all aspects of their hemp operation, including purchasing, selling, labeling, advertising, intellectual property, and other issues. The Law Group of Northwest Arkansas PLLC can help you start up a new business or grow an existing company.

What Is Hemp?

Under the 2018 Farm Bill, hemp is defined as Cannabis sativa L. containing 0.3% THC or less. Hemp is considered an industrial product and is in the botanical class of the cannabis sativa plant. It may be grown for industrial or medical use and is used for an array of non-psychoactive consumable products, textiles, health and wellness supplements, edibles, beverages, and biofuels.

Is Hemp Legal?

Hemp and its derivatives are federally legal pursuant to the 2018 Farm Bill. It is regulated by the USDA, and there are rules surrounding the production of hemp, which is a regulated commodity. This allows hemp farmers to participate in USDA farm programs that can be helpful in obtaining funding for startup and expansion.

Hemp farmers must be licensed under a state, tribal or USDA hemp program to produce hemp, and the type of license depends on your location, production plans and licenses to grow and operate. They must also comply with strict sampling and testing procedures, and plants that do not meet necessary requirements must be disposed of properly. The process is intricate and involved, and it’s best to work closely with an experienced hemp lawyer to guide you through the legal labyrinth.

Hemp Business Legal Advice

Since hemp was legalized federally, hemp businesses have grown, developed, and are thriving. Many of those businesses are owned by women and minorities.

Even though the hemp-derived industry is federally legal, these businesses continue to have difficulties with access to banking services and transaction point of sale credit card sales. However, unlike marijuana a/k/a “cannabis” businesses, hemp businesses may fully deduct business expenses from gross income as authorized by the IRS like any other legal business.

The Law Group of Northwest Arkansas PLLC has a team of hemp attorneys who are familiar with the needs of hemp businesses and can provide a broad range of guidance for small and large organizations.

 The Law Group of Northwest Arkansas 

Work With a Hemp Lawyer To Expand Your Business

While hemp is legal, there is a complex network of regulations that farmers, sellers, distributors, and others in the industry must follow. Violating any of these rules can put your business at jeopardy of facing significant fines and interruption to your business. It’s best to work closely with a hemp business attorney who can provide you with the legal information you need to grow.

Contact The Law Group of Northwest Arkansas PLLC today at (479) 316-3760.